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Little Tigers program is specially designed for young children who are at the preschool level. This special program is developed to help encourage the development of the child’s physical and mental capabilities through the process of martial arts. The classes are run by certified instructors who nourish and in improve each child’s listening and attention skills. Furthermore Taekwondo is used to better develop balance, coordination, and improve motor skills. The children are placed in small classes where individually and collectively have a great time together!


“Family is #1!” Old Tappan Martial Arts believes that this statement is both important and true. With today’s hectic schedule, it is so hard to find a way to spend quality time with the family so that everyone has a good time. At Old Tappan Martial Arts, we understand the need for families to share and activity that nourishes a close bond between parents and children. There are specific classes in which families can train and have fun together.


Each child is taught with care, patience, and at each individual level. The program offers a way to let each child know that he/she is special and can achieve his/her maximum potential. Personal Tenets:

  • Building confidence; letting each child believe in themselves to stay strong against adversity.

  • Learning to focus and concentrate which in turn helps sharpen listening skills for improved grades

  • Keeping a positive and enthusiastic attitude which helps develop great working skills and habits.

  • Create, set, and strive to achieve personal goals through perseverance.

  • Cooperation and respect create great friendships.

  • Better control of behavior through self-control and discipline.

  • Physically improve coordination, flexibility, strength, and balance; creating a healthier life style.

  • Fun and exciting classes to keep the child motivated and determined.


During this time in many students’ lives, they begin to feel awkward or confused. Through mental and physical training, each student can progress further and feel a higher level of confidence. Personal Tenets:

  • Improve physical attributes such as speed, strength, and agility

  • Learning self-defense to protect themselves and others

  • Realize self-worth and feel confident to resist peer pressure

  • Develop strong and long lasting friendships with other similar minded students

  • Develop important leadership skills, allowing greater social values

  • Opening the mind to the world around them to fully understand what is going on

  • Becoming a member of a bigger family that strives to help and contribute to the community

  • Realize, respect, and honor family values


Today’s world asks a lot from adults due to work and family. This in turn creates stress that drains energy physically, mentally, and emotionally. With our amazing adult classes, Master Ahn, certified instructors, and fellow students help train and motivate you to success. Personal Tenets:

  • A healthy and safe way to relieve stress

  • Bring calm and peace to the mind through breathing and meditation

  • Achieve a healthy and rewarding lifestyle through physical conditioning

  • Learn real world self-defense techniques that create a greater piece of mind

  • Develop strong and long lasting friendships with other similar minded students

  • Introduce a new culture and mindset

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